My second pregnancy has been very different from my first. From the symptoms and physical changes to the challenges of being pregnant during COVID times.
I’m currently 37 weeks along and wanted to write all about the differences of my second pregnancy vs. my first!
This pregnancy was such a sweet surprise! My husband and I were completely shocked when I got a positive pregnancy test. And even more excited to find out we were having another girl. I once read a quote that said “Sometimes unexpected gifts are the best gifts of all” and that couldn’t be any more true!
Feeling Baby Movements Earlier
I started feeling baby flutters and kicks around 15 weeks which was such a pleasant surprise! I had an anterior placenta with my first pregnancy. Which means that my placenta was positioned near the front of the uterus and toward the front of my stomach. It serves as a cushion between you and the baby which is why I didn’t feel Sophia moving until much later in my pregnancy.
This time around I can feel so much more movement. This baby is way more active and is constantly moving around in there. Although it is very reassuring to feel baby girl moving, it’s getting more and more uncomfortable by the day!
Baby Bump is Bigger
I noticed that my belly started growing much earlier. Since my stomach muscles have been stretched from my previous pregnancy, I’m not surprised that I started showing quite early. This is pretty common for most women. I also noticed that my stomach is lower whereas my first bump was much higher. My lower back has also been hurting way more, most likely because of the weight of my belly. Baby sister is measuring bigger than her older sister and already weighs more than she weighed at birth (5lbs 6oz). Read her birth story here.
Way More Tired!
I’ve been way more exhausted this time around! During my first trimester, I was overcome with pregnancy fatigue. I would nap during the day when Sophia would go down for her nap. It was the only way to feel better! Now that I’m in my third trimester I’m still as exhausted. I’m busy chasing a toddler around the house and tending to her needs. By noon I get pretty tired and will take advantage of Sophia’s nap time. If I’m not napping, I try and lay down to give my lower back a rest.
More Weight Gain
With my first pregnancy I gained about 30 pounds total. With this pregnancy I’ve craved sugary desserts and I haven’t held back at all. Since I’m busier during the day with my toddler, I try and eat when I can and sometimes it’s not the healthiest. I’m trying to find balance by drinking a green smoothie when I can but honestly it’s much harder to eat healthier this time around! Although I lost the 30 pounds after my first pregnancy, I’ve already gained it back and more… yikes!
Braxton Hicks Contractions
If you don’t know what Braxton Hicks contractions are, they’re like “practice contractions”. Your uterine muscles will contract and your stomach feels hard to the touch. I never felt these with my first pregnancy. Not everybody feels them and if they do it’s not until the second or third trimester. Recently, I’ve started feeling Braxton Hicks contractions and they’re pretty uncomfortable! I will usually sit down or drink a big glass of water and they will go away.
Time Flies Faster
My second pregnancy has flown by! I’m much more focused on my toddler and haven’t had the time to take weekly bump photos like I did the first time around. Sometimes I have to open my pregnancy app on my phone to see how far along I am! The weeks are flying by. I’m in full nesting mode and have already started preparing my hospital bag. Baby sister will be here soon and I’m way more mentally and emotionally prepared for what to expect when we bring her home!
Being Pregnant During a Pandemic
I knew I had to include the challenges of being pregnant during the pandemic because this is a struggle that many women can relate to! I was working full time as a 4th grade teacher during my first pregnancy and genuinely enjoyed going to work everyday! I’m definitely an extrovert and love socializing and connecting with others.
With this pregnancy, I’m home full time with my toddler and didn’t have the option to leave the house or meet up with friends for play dates. My husband also works 12+ hour shifts and is training on the side. Which means I’m home with Sophia all day long and I tackle her bedtime routine by myself. Although this has become our reality it has been especially difficult during the winter months.
I’ve relied on family/friend support and many FaceTime calls with my side of the family who all live out of state. When the weather is nice, we take advantage of the park or go for a walk around the neighborhood. I continually remind myself that summer is around the corner and that this is just a phase that won’t last forever. I’m hopeful that we’re in the homestretch of the pandemic and can find a new normal.
My second pregnancy has been tough yet I find myself truly embracing these last few weeks of pregnancy. As uncomfortable as I am, I love feeling baby girl move around in my belly late at night. I can’t wait to see what she looks like and if she will be like her big sister! Pregnancy is beautiful and it’s amazing how our bodies drastically change to grow our babies. And then to be able to provide food for them after giving birth, it’s all pretty incredible!
Photos by: Purely Perspective Photography